Monday, July 18, 2011



Answer the following question. Choose only one that you think fits for you. Don't forget your answer because the explanation will be given after you finish answering all the question. Don't spoil the fun by scrolling down the explanation. Use your imagination.. Answer the first thing that comes out in your head.. enjoy!
>>> S T A R T <<<

1.Imagine yourself in the forest...

a. I see myself in a forest in daylight.
b. I see myself in a forest at night.
c. I see myself in a forest at dusk or dawn

2: Did you see a path?

a. Yes
b. No

Now we ask you to walk through the forest.

1: You see a cup. What does it look like?

a. I've seen a cup that looks valuable to me.
b. I've seen a cup that doesn't look valuable to me.

2: What do you do with it?

a. I leave it alone.
b. I pick it up and put it down.
c. I use it and then leave it behind.
d. I pick it up and take it with me.

You continue on your walk through the forest until you see water.

1: What does it look like?

a. I see a puddle.
b. I see a pond.
c. I see a stream.
d. I see a river.
e. I see a lake.
f. I see an ocean.

2: Is the water you see moving?

a. Yes fast.
b. Yes slow.
c. No it's still.
d. No it's stagnant.

3: How deep is this water?

a. It's shallow.
b. I can stand up in it.
c. I can't stand up in it.
d. It's extremely deep.

4: You need to cross the water. How do you do it?

a. I step over, wade through or swim.
b. I walk round.
c. I use a bridge.
d. I use a boat or a ship.

As you continue on your walk through the forest, you see a bear.

1: What sort of bear is it?

a. I saw a cute teddy.
b. I saw a real one.

2: What's your bear doing? Choose the closest option.

a. My bear hasn't seen me.
b. My bear's seen me, he's doing cute 'bear type' things.
c. My bear's seen me, but is minding his own business.
d. My bear's seen me, and he's looking threatening.
e. None of them... he's coming right at me!

3: You need to move on. How do get around the bear?

a. I don't. Actually, he's cute, I'm seriously considering adoption.
b. I ignore him and walk on.
c. I get out of there before he sees me.
d. I run up a tree or hide.
e. I stand and fight. I win.
f. I stand and fight. I suffer a slight wound.
g. None of these options is close.

Then yo resume your walking until you reach a beach.

1: How many people do you see?

a. Hundreds.
b. 20-100 people.
c. One or two.
d. None.

2: How far are the nearest people?

a. Close enough to talk to.
b. Not close enough to talk to.
c. Way off in the distance or the beach is deserted.

E X P L A N A T I O N <<<<<
1.Imagine yourself in the forest...

The forest is your 'life' and how you see it. If you selected a forest in daylight this would strongly suggest you are generally very happy. The more light your see in the forest the more content you're likely to be with your life. If you selected a forest at night, it suggests there are some major things in your life that you'd like to change or are dissatisfied with and that you're likely to be under stress for some reason. If you selected a forest at dusk or dawn this would suggest something in between, that there are one or two things in your life that you'd like to change.

2: Did you see a path?
If you saw a path in the forest you're not yet settled into your life as it is. Younger people usually see a path. Why is this? The path is symbolic of where you're going. People still finding their way in life are more likely to see a path. Those more settled in their direction or place in life are less likely to see a path.

The cup is symbolic of wealth and your approach to it. The question gave you the chance to see any sort of cup. A tea cup, a sporting trophy, a tin cup, even a steaming cup of coffee! This question gave you the opportunity to reward yourself. If you said you saw a cup that appeared valuable then you rewarded yourself with something of value to you. If you didn't see a valuable cup then you didn't give yourself a reward when the opportunity arose.
2: What do you do with it?
  • If you left the cup alone you were given the chance to take a reward but left it behind you. Either wealth has no real value to you or wealth is something you think you've got to work for.
  • If you picked the cup up and then put it down again you were given the chance to take a reward and then you found an immediate use for the cup and used it there and then. Many people see a cup of tea or coffee and drink it. Did you do something similar? You left the chance for a reward behind you and found a practical use for the cup. You took a 'here and now' approach to the reward.
  • If you used the cup but then left it behind it means that you were given the chance to take a reward, you were curious enough to pick the cup up, but left it behind you. Either wealth has no real value to you or wealth is something you think you've got to work for.
  • If you took the cup with you then you probably saw a cup that was in some way valuable to you. You saw the chance to quickly reward yourself with easy pickings and you took it.
You continue on your walk through the forest until you see water.
1: What does it look like?

Water is symbolic of sex. The depth and speed of the water you see is indicative of your attitude, appetite and approach to sex.
2: Is the water you see moving?
The speed at which you see water moving is an indicator of you appetite for sex. But, not necessarily your need. The slower the water, the lower your appetite. The faster the water, the greater your appetite.
3: How deep is this water?
  • The depth of the water is an indicator of how you see and what you want from sex. If you saw shallow water then you are able to reach fulfillment from deep and intense lovemaking. If you saw fast moving water, 'little and often' is for you.
  • If you saw deep waters then your love for the 'deep and intense' doesn't mean you cannot enjoy anything else. You get true fulfillment from deeper and more intense lovemaking. For you, still waters run deep.
4: You need to cross the water. How do you do it?
The ease with which you cross the water is an indicator of your attitude and approach to sex. The more easily you crossed the water, the more comfortable or liberal you're likely to be in your approach to sex.

As you continue on your walk through the forest, you see a bear.
1: What sort of bear is it?
  • The bear is symbolic of problems and how you deal with them. The question gave you the chance to see a problem. If you saw a teddy or Winnie-the-Pooh then in relative terms your life is stress free and when given a problem you don't see one. You're pretty happy with life too.
  • If you saw a real bear you were given the chance to see a problem. People under routine stress will see large and very dangerous bears.
2: What's your bear doing? Choose the closest option.
  • Equally a bear you're ignoring or was ignoring you, is indicative of how you see stress and problems when they're presented to you.
  • If the bear hasn't seen you or has seen you but is doing cute 'bear type' things then you don't have many real problems in your life. You're not under everyday stress or worry. Given the chance to see a problem, you didn't see one.
  • If the bear has seen you but is minding his own business then whilst you have the usual problems in your life, you're not under unhealthy levels of stress or worry.
  • If the bear has seen you and is looking threatening you need a holiday! You're under high levels of stress or worry.
3: You need to move on. How do get around the bear?
How you get round the bear is indicative of how you deal with problems and how you resolve them. If you answered that you were considering adoption then your approach is very different to other people's. Unfortunately for them, most people are under much more stress than you.
Then yo resume your walking until you reach a beach.
1: How many people do you see?
The beach is symbolic of how you relate to people around you. How many people you pictured on the beach relates directly to the number of people you want around you. A truly socially gregarious person is most comfortable in the company of a large number of people, and seeks the audience (this personality type sees a beach packed with people). At the opposite end of the scale, those people that see a deserted beach are happy with their own company. They're very happy to spend long periods on their own where others would feel lonely.
  • If you saw hundreds of people you're a person that's very comfortable in a crowded pub, club or bar. You may even seek them out. You may like an audience. Where are you going tonight?
  • If you saw 20-100 people you're quite a social animal. Usually comfortable in crowded pubs, clubs or bars. You may even seek them out. Where are you going this Saturday night?
  • If you saw one or two people then you're a person who wouldn't want to spend a whole lot of time in crowded pubs, clubs or bars. You can be a social animal, but you're often content with your own company. The vast majority of people see a beach with one or two people on it.
  • If you didn't see any people then you're a person least comfortable in a crowded pub, club or bar. You may even avoid them. You have the potential to be a social animal, but you wouldn't get lonely stranded on a desert island. You're content for long periods of time with your own company.
2: How far are the nearest people?
  • Where you see people on the beach is symbolic of how you relate to people around you. If you saw people close enough to talk to then this suggests you want contact with other people most of the time.
  • If you saw people that weren't close enough to talk to then this suggests you don't need contact with other people all of the time, but like to know that someone is there for you.
  • If you saw people in the distance then you don't need contact with other people all of the time. You're happy with you own company.

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